Privacy Policy


Neareal is committed to respecting the privacy of users of its website. This personal data protection policy (the "policy") explains how we collect, store, use your personal data when you browse or make purchases on the website or when you provide us with personal data in any way. whether it be. These rules apply regardless of how you access the site and cover any technology or device providing access.

This policy tells you what kind of personal data we collect, how we use your personal data and what rights you have to control our use of it.

Rellaty acts as "controller" of the personal data that you send to us or that we collect about you, within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulations (regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, below). after the “GDPR”), as soon as we determine the purposes and means of processing your personal data.

In addition, within the meaning of the GDPR:
- " personal data " is any information that concerns you and allows you to be identified, directly or indirectly.
- " processing of personal data " is any operation or set of operations applied to personal data.


We collect personal data either directly from you, usually through forms on our Site, or indirectly through your interactions with us.

With regard to the data collected directly from you, we indicate on our forms with an asterisk all the mandatory information. Indeed, certain information is essential whether it is in the context of the performance of a contract between BISKINCO and you, for the provision of a service that you have requested from us, or for compliance with a legal obligation.

We collect personal data for the following purposes:

• Customer relationship management, essentially requiring identification data such as your name and contact details;
• Management of an order, for which we collect data such as name, e-mail address, billing
address, delivery address, telephone number, your product selection or payment information;
• Sending commercial communications, in particular through your subscription to our newsletter by leaving us your e-mail address, or through SMS by leaving us your mobile phone;
• Establishment of profiles for which we collect the IP address and connection information
• Proposal for a sponsorship program between you and your friends or family members, for which we and our service provider collect your data such as surname, first name, email address;
• Organization of contests or promotional offers, for which we collect information such as your name, e-mail address or telephone number;
• Response to requests for our products or our brand sent to the following address:
• Management of opinions on products for which we need at least your email address;
• Analysis of the ergonomics of our site by means of cookies or similar technologies allowing us to collect information on your online browsing, for example your type of browser, the country code corresponding to your location, the pages of our website consulted during your visit, the advertisements on which you clicked or even the possible products sought on our site. However, these are statistical data on the actions and navigation modes of our users, which do not allow you to be identified.

 The legal basis for these different processing operations is as follows:
• In the context of customer relationship management and order management, the processing of your data is based on the performance of a contract between Rellaty and you or on our legitimate interest (in relation to the fight against payment fraud and profiles);

  • For the sending of commercial communications, the processing of your data is based on your consent;
    • To make a sponsorship between you and your friends or family members, the processing of your data is based on your consent;
    • To provide answers to your questions about our products and our brand and to manage your opinions on our products, the processing of your data is based on your consent;
    • Finally, the processing related to the analysis of the ergonomics of our site and the production of statistics is based on our legitimate interest for the cookies intended to improve and guarantee the proper functioning and security of our site, and on your consent for all other cookies (targeted advertising and communications, production of statistics). For more information, we invite you to consult the “cookies” section below.

    We may also obtain personal data from third parties that you have previously authorized to provide us with your details. These are the following categories of personal data: surname, first name, email, address. This data comes from other brands of the Fast Retailing Group or from brands with which we have set up a partnership.


We are committed to treating all your personal information confidentially. Information about our customers is important to us and privacy is a key concern. We therefore refuse to disclose personal information about you to third parties, except for the limited reasons specified below. We will only share your data with:

• other companies in our Group,
• the service providers we engage to process data on our behalf,
• any public body or authority requesting it to comply with a legal obligation or protect data. rights,
• the potential beneficiaries of our activities in the event of the transfer of activities or assets.
When we share personal information with our parent company or entities in our group, they have adopted practices and a privacy policy ensuring a level of protection at least equivalent to that described in this policy.


The Internet is a tool used in a global environment, the fact of using it to collect and process personal data implies the transmission of this data on an international scale. The data that we collect from you may be transferred and stored outside the European Economic Area ("EEA"), this data will however and in all circumstances be kept in accordance with legal requirements in terms of protection and security. Datas.

This data may also be processed by third parties working on our behalf, or for one of our service providers, and located outside the EEA, and in particular in the United States. These third parties may be involved in particular in the execution of your order, the processing of your payment details and the provision of assistance services. We undertake to make every effort to ensure that these third parties adopt the required technical organizational measures and where necessary we rely on the adequacy decision of the Commission relating to the EU-US Privacy Shield or we demand the signing of contracts on the basis of the model clauses of the European Commission.


Personal data is only kept for the time necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected or to comply with a legal obligation.

• If a customer account is created, the data will be kept until you send a request to delete it or after a certain period of inactivity (defined in accordance with our internal data retention policy). data for a maximum of 3 years);
• As part of the purchase of products, with or without the creation of a customer account, we keep your data only for the duration of our contractual relationship;
• When you participate in a contest or a promotional offer, we keep the data for the time necessary to hold the contest or the offer concerned;
• In the event of subscription to our newsletter, your data is kept until your request to unsubscribe or delete your personal data, or even after a certain period of inactivity (defined in accordance with our internal data retention policy for a maximum of 3 years);
• When you contact us to obtain information about our products or our brand, the data is kept for the time necessary to process this request;
• The cookies placed on your terminal will only keep your personal data for the duration necessary to achieve their purpose (thus, session identification cookies are only kept for the duration of a session) and for a maximum of 13 months.

To comply with our legal obligations, some personal data is kept longer (thus to fulfill our obligations in terms of invoicing), but also in order to exercise some of our rights (to act before a court in particular). If necessary, this data will be kept for the duration imposed by the legal obligation or until the end of the limitation period for legal action.


We may display personalized content or send personalized communications using "profiling" techniques (defined by the GDPR as any form of automated processing of personal data consisting of the use of such personal data to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to a natural person, in particular to analyze or predict elements relating to his personal preferences, interests, behavior, location).

Targeted information

If you have agreed to us contacting you for marketing purposes, we may send you emails and other communications about goods and services that may be of interest to you. To do this, we study the online browsing and shopping habits of our customers, and provide them with information on the products they have consulted and those relating to them. Thus, we can send personalized product communications, personalized commercial communications or communications related to certain dates (subscription to the newsletter, creation of the customer account, customer's birthday, etc.).


We take all the necessary measures to protect the personal data that you communicate to us, it is however impossible to guarantee the security of transmissions via the Internet. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the security of personal data that you send to us via the Internet. If you use a terminal located in a public place, we recommend, for your security, that you always disconnect and close your browser window after ending a session. We also recommend that you take the following security measures to improve your security on the Internet:

• Keep your passwords confidential. Remember that anyone who knows your password can access your account.
• When creating a password, use at least 8 characters, preferably mixing letters and numbers. Do not use your name, email address, or other easily obtainable personal data. We also recommend that you change your password frequently. To do this, go to the "My Account" section, then click on "Change name, e-mail or password".
• Avoid using the same password for multiple Internet accounts.


Certain links appearing on the site may allow access to Internet sites operated by third-party companies. We never share personal information about you with these third parties.

The links to third-party sites appearing on our site are offered for information or information only, we do not control these sites or their privacy practices, which may differ from ours.

We cannot be held responsible for personal data that third parties may collect, store and use via their website. We urge you to always carefully read the privacy policies of any website you visit.

These Terms of Service and any separate agreements whereby we provide you shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Spain.